Sunday, December 18, 2011

Question of the Day

What do you think of all this Tim Tebow hype?

Is it that serious or are we that desperate for a hero.

This guy thinks he could lead the country.

Wow, this 'Damien Thorn' effect is something else


  1. He's hesitant to call Tebow the second coming of John Elway. His rambling is all over the place. And so we need a Tim Tebow to inspire the best in us and to turn the country around? How did his Tebow talk turn political? By the way, someone needs to tell him that Tom Brady and the Patriots lock up playoff berth as Tim Tebow comes up short. Tom Brady shut down Tebow's late-game heroics and clinched a playoff berth with a 41-23 victory over the Denver Broncos

  2. Tim Tebow Talk™ turned political the moment he said "Yes" to appear in a Focus On The Family ad in last year's Super Bowl.

  3. I can't see him being political.
    He doesn't come off as anything more than a puppet for the Religious Right.

  4. I wish people would leave their religious beliefs at home in the closeet where it belongs.

  5. People like him don't know the difference between religiosity and faith.
    The only reason Tebow waits until he runs out of the field house to point up at the big J man in the sky is so everyone will see what a good Christian he is. It's not like God can't see through the roof.
