Thursday, December 22, 2011

Legendary Starlite Lounge gets a Documentary

The Starlite Lounge was not only a staple in LGBT community in Brooklyn, it was also a staple inthe Black LGBT community. After the doors shut last year, two filmmakers decided to make a documentary on the Starlite Lounge. One of the filmmakers had this to say about the doc:
“I instantly fell in love with the bar,” said “Starlite” co-director Sasha Wortzel who was quickly drawn to the bar when she moved to Crown Heights four years ago. 

She soon found out the Starlite’s building had been bought by a new owner who was threatening to boot the bar, and started working with co-director Kate Kunath on what they expected to be a short film about the fight. Instead, they got so wrapped up that they ended up shooting months of footage they’re now working on turning into a feature-length film, expected to be completed some time next year.
Their hopes is to save the Starlite and allow the doors to be opened again.

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