Wednesday, December 14, 2011

GOProud's Christopher Barron steps Down

I guess f**king with Rick Perry's people gets your ass kicked out, right? Today Chris steps down, here's some of the press release:
“My role in the day to day management of GOProud will continue as the organization’s Chief Strategist and I will remain on the Board as Chairman Emeritus,” continued Barron. “It is with great excitement that I announce that conservative coalition builder and former CPAC Director Lisa De Pasquale has been elected interim Chairman of the GOProud Board of Directors. Lisa brings a lifetime of experience within the conservative movement and is the perfect person to oversee the expansion and restructuring of GOProud’s Board, as well as to help in refining GOProud’s mission and to aid in building a bigger, better and stronger organization.”

“I am truly honored to be elected interim chairman of the GOProud board,” said De Pasquale. “The next several months will be important for their growth. Along with the GOProud staff, the Board will help refine the organization’s mission, develop a strategy for making Obama a one-term president, do substantive activities across the country, and build coalitions with conservative organizations, lawmakers and activists.”
“One of the first steps the new GOProud Board will be taking is to expand,” continued De Pasquale. “We will be inviting many of our Advisory Council members to join the Board of Directors. We need their support, their talents and their advice in a more formal capacity to continue to be able to build on the successes of the last two and a half years.”

“The day to day management of the organization will remain the same. The board has 100% faith in the leadership of Chris Barron and Jimmy LaSalvia,” concluded De Pasquale.
Now, I mentioned Rick Perry because of outing of his strategist, Tony Fabrizio. That's when everything start going awry. Andrew Brietbart quit and the Log Cabin Repubs start calling them out. I can't help but to think that drama caused Christopher to get the boot. What do you think?


  1. Ugh! I've seen better, and self-loathing is so unattractive especially for a man of his age...

  2. He had to go. Ken Doll has to beat it, too.

  3. I bet if he fucks one of us, we will feel IT.
