Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Denver Broncos passes on the It Gets Better campaign

After gathering close to 8000 signatures, the Denver Broncos are not doing an IGB video. Their spokesman Patrick Smyth had this to say: 
"The Denver Broncos are committed to tolerance, acceptance and respect for all in the community," said Smyth. "The National Football League is currently working with USA Network on its 'Characters Unite' campaign combating prejudice and intolerance, and our organization is in full support of that movement to help raise awareness for this very important cause."
Petition organizer Andy Szekeres responded to Smyth:

"I commend the Broncos and all of the NFL for their work on a Characters Unite program to stand up against prejudice and intolerance but that is not enough or the same as standing in support of the It Gets Better Project," responded Szekeres. 

"The Broncos have a rare opportunity to make a difference and give hope to thousands of LGBT youth across the country as the first NFL team to make an It Gets Better Video. I think I can speak for the thousands of people who signed this petition when I urge the Broncos to show the country that Colorado and the Broncos stand against bullying LGBT teens and youth," he added. "The Broncos have the chance to lead the league and stand up for one of the country's must vulnerable populations."
I'm not upset about this. I thought it was a tricky idea from the start. It would have been better if the Broncos came to the IGB campaign to do a video on their own. I'm not sure if this petition drive helped the matter. Maybe another tactic could be successful?

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