Saturday, December 10, 2011

Barney Frank on LGBT Activists And Bloggers

Barney Frank always have a lot to say. But check out what he had to say about LGBT activists and their actions:
In general, the people who are complaining — well, what’s their remedy? They’re complaining, what do they want, sympathy? If they’re saying they wish we had more, I do too. Are they saying that’s a reason not to be supporting Barack Obama? That’s political suicide. The next president will probably appoint another Supreme Court justice or two. I don’t see how people can say, oh, we care about the lawsuit for Prop 8, we care about the DOMA lawsuit but let’s make sure that a homophobe will appoint the next Supreme Court justice.
And the answer is that it is suicidal and dumb and self-defeating. Plus, you focus much too much on this. They are a very small percentage of our community and I think that’s a tendency, whether you’re in the media or whether they blog. That is a very small percentage of the community. Do you think most transgender people – Diego would know better than you or I – What do most transgender people in Massachusetts think about the bill?
Please go here to read the rest of this article. It's pretty good.


  1. I like Barney but that smacking noise he does when he talks drive me nuts.

  2. I like him too. I know who I'm voting for because quit honestly I don't see any better options. The Republican certainly don't represent my views and looking at President Obama's record, he's pretty much delivered a lot of what he promised.

    So I say give him a second term to really come out swinging.
