Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bachmann's Campaign Co-Chairman Endorses Ron Paul

In GOP dramedy news, Bachmann's campaign co-chairman jumps ship and join Ron Paul. Kent Sorenson explained why he went from one sinking ship to another one.
“The decision I am making today is one of the most difficult I have made in my life.  But given what’s at stake for our country, I have decided I must take this action,” Sorenson said in a statement. “Today, I am switching my support from Michele Bachmann to Ron Paul for the 2012 Iowa Caucuses and the presidency of the United States.”

Sorenson, a state senator from Indianola, announced the surprise endorsement from the stage of a Paul event at the the Iowa State Fairgrounds.

The turnabout is a major surprise with just six days remaining before Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses.
I guess Michele will be dropping out soon.



  1. Out of the fire and into the frying pan.

  2. That chubby fucker bailed on Bachmann.

  3. "why he went from one sinking ship to another" - Awesome quote.
