Saturday, November 19, 2011

WATCH: Occupy Anti-Gay Scott Lively

Scott Lively is one of the masterminds behind Uganda's Anti-Gay movement. Watch as protesters give him a reality check


  1. I hope I don't offend anybodies sensibilities but the more I read and study about Christianity and other religions from antiquity it becomes more evident that something is seriously amiss.

    That something is that the entirety of Christianity is a complete fiction, in other words they just made it up.

    So I'd like to tell Lively he can suck it! Such a fool not to realize that what he spouts is nothing but the blatherings of 13th century thinkers.

  2. This guy was in Oregon promoting hate to stop gay rights. He got a lot of donations to fly abroad to preach his hate message. I think he wants to be Hitler.

  3. He's a piece of shit! A piece of snotty shit! and his crooked ass teeth!
