Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Sad, Crazy News from My Hometown

So, on Facebook, my sister sent a link to a news story:
UNION CITY, Tenn. (AP) - Police in Union City have charged a man with throwing a ham at his mother.
According to the Union City Daily Messenger, 37-year-old Emanual Cordell Kennedy was arrested Tuesday afternoon on a charge of domestic assault.

Brenda King, his mother, told police the two argued at her home and he hit her in the back with the ham while she was walking down a hall. She left the home and went to the police department to report it.
The sad thing about this story is I KNOW THESE PEOPLE!

The woman is my mama's friend and the mother of my good friend. When I saw this, I almost fainted. I can't believe this made the news, in fact, it was under CNN. I hope they are okay.


  1. Oh this is so COUNTRY! I can't stop laughing.

  2. emanuelkennedy Man Arrested For Assaulting Mother....With A Ham

    Union City, Tennessee – Emanuel Cordell Kennedy, a 37-year-old Union City man was jailed Tuesday after he allegedly assaulted his mother with a ham.
    According to Union City Police, Kennedy’s 55-year-old mother, Brenda King, went to the police station to report that her son had thrown a ham at her during an argument inside her residence. She was reportedly struck in the back with the object as she walked down a hall.
    Kennedy claims that he did not mean to hit King with the meaty missile. He stated that he did not know she was walking down the hall at that particular time. Kennedy still lives at home with his mother.

    Kennedy was booked into the Obion County jail and charged with domestic assault. He is currently being held without bond.

    Is Brenda King serious? You know that’s Emanuel Kennedy’s ham throwing hallway. What the fuck were you thinking walking down that hallway without announcing your presence? What do you have a death wish or something? Clean it up Brenda. Stop being such an ignorant slut and start recognizing the rules of the house. You want to walk where Emanuel is throwing hams fine. But don’t go crying to the cops when you take a dome shot. That’s on you. Its like people who get sad when someone dies parachuting. Tough shit. You didn’t want to die you shouldn’t have jumped out of the plane. You don’t want a ham concussion don’t walk down EK’s ham hallway. Simple as that.

    If my 37 year old son refused to move out of my house I’d just fake my own death and move to Mexico. Fuck That Shit. No need to be fighting over the remote and dodging hams when I’m 70.
