Saturday, November 5, 2011

Question of the Day

Should we STILL hate on Ken Mehlman?

Yes, he helped push the anti-gay marriage amendment and yes, he worked for Bush.

However, he's out and really helped New York gain gay marriage.

When is it time to forgive and move forward?

Here are other views on this.


  1. I have mixed feelings. One good deed doesn't undo the whole laundry list of things he did seven years ago.

  2. I think he is honestly trying to redeem himself. I think we should let him try, but remain on guard. We should not be hating on him.

  3. I agree with Cubby.
    Why hate on one of our own. I imagine each and every one of us, while in the closet, said and did some, perhaps, homophobic thing. His just happened to be on a national scale.
    It's time to move on.
    Cautiously optimistic, is how we should handle him.

  4. I think that we should forgive him. It doesn't mean that we suddenly forget what was done in the past, additionally it doesn't give us free reign to pull it out at the slightest provocation, but it does mean that we say that we understand that you are a product of a certain generation. We've seen what he can do as an adversary: now let's see what he can do as an ally.

  5. I won't forgive him. Sorry, you don't get a pass when for eight years you did everything possible to make sure your fellow LGBT people lost rights.

    He deserves some scorn! In fact I nominate him for the Roy Cohn award.
