Thursday, November 17, 2011

Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez Charged with Attempting to Assassinate Obama

Lord, why is this going on? A man was arrested for shooting at the White House:
Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, made his first court appearance before a federal magistrate in Pittsburgh on Thursday, one day after he was arrested at a western Pennsylvania hotel. He will be taken back from a federal court in Pittsburgh to face the charges in Washington, D.C.

Ortega will remain in federal custody at least until a magistrate in Washington can determine if he should remain jailed until his trial on the charge, which carries up to life in prison.

Ortega sat quietly as the hearing began, his hands free but his feet shackled. The 21-year-old said only, "Yes, ma'am" when he was asked if he understood that he would be going back to Washington to face the charge.
Authorities said a man clad in black who was obsessed with Obama pulled his car within view of the White House on Friday night and fired shots from an assault rifle, cracking a window of the first family's living quarters while the president was away.
I hope he gets help or something.



  1. This is why I don't believe in to much of anything. what you believe controls you. This nut job thought president Obama was the Antichrist and that 11.11.2011 meant the end of the world. He is going to be treated like an assassin and pay the price with his freedom. The President's security is not that strong. This guy is far from cute to me. He looks really troubled.
