Friday, November 18, 2011

My Review: "Twilight: Breaking Dawn"

I was invited to a screening of "Twilight: Breaking Dawn" last night. Mainly because of my blog and my dislike of the series. The 'group' wanted me to do a review of the movie, just to see if I would actually like it.

I said sure and decided to go for it. So here is my review of the teen vampire drama:
  • The wedding toast was the best part of the 1st 30 minutes.
  • Jacob also took off his shirt in the 1st 4 minutes.
  • Bella is not the girl others girls should look up to. She does everything for Edward and not for herself.
  • Jacob comes off as bi-polar in every scene.
  • The film sent the message that marriage solves everything, even dating demons.
  • I found it interesting that in their vampire history, there has never an incident of a vampire/human baby. What about Blade?
  • The pact the werewolves have with the Cullens is silly.
  • There should be more about 'imprinting' (werewolves finding their mates).
  • Bella seemed to happy about dying throughout the series. Great role model, eh?
  • The love making scene was kind of funny, they actually broke the bed. Vampire cock must be sublime.
  • And speaking of vamp sex, it's also abusive. Apparently, vampires are like Klingons when it comes to sex.

  •  The soundtrack was cute, but it reminded me of Dawson's Creek.
  • The baby idea feels like a mix of the movies 'Grace' and 'It's Alive'.
  • Bill Condon did a great job on this film.
  • While I'm not a fan, it was a good movie.
So it's good, but I like my vamps deadly without sparkles.


  1. Is the baby Jacob's?

  2. Funnily enough, I was taken almost against my will to see it this afternoon and I just got home! I was pleasantly surprised, the movie was cute enough. Every point you made was valid, especially about Bella NOT being a good role model.

  3. I like Twilight. I really do. No, Bella's not a good role model, I agree; and I doubt Blade is in Meyer's vampire history... but I think the books and films have been perfectly competent, and every time Emmett Cullen is on screen I turn to mush. Nice film, liked it a lot.

  4. Cannot stand these films. I could not bear to watch more than ten minutes combined before I said, 'Enough.'
    I, too, don't want shiny, diamond-encrusted vampires who sulk.
