Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Kansas Equality Coalition hopes to Repeal an Anti-Gay law

Kansas Equality Coalition is looking to end the silly sodomy law that besets the LGBT community. Here is more of the story:

Under Kansas law, homosexual sex is a criminal offense. But a 2003 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court says that laws that criminalize gay and lesbian relationships violate the equal protection provisions of the U.S. Constitution.

“We believe that the current statute, while ultimately unenforceable, is an affront to thousands of law-abiding gay and lesbian Kansans,” said Thomas Witt, chairman of the Kansas Equality Coalition.
For months, state repealer Dennis Taylor, who also serves as secretary of the Kansas Department of Administration, has been gathering input on laws to repeal. He is nearing completion of preparing a report for Brownback.

Neither he nor Brownback is saying yet what laws they think should be repealed, but whichever way the administration goes, the repeal initiative is bound to create fireworks.

Taylor said he has received input on repealing more than 400 laws. Some, he said, deal with controversial social issues such as the sodomy statute and recently approved legislation like the ban on smoking in indoor, public places.
I wish this group luck in their quest to end this horrid law.


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