Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Time for this Ad to Come to America

I'm sure y'all seen this marriage equality ad

I feel like we should have several versions of this ad here in the US. The message is clear and beautiful. I think it time for America to push an ad like this.

What do you think?


  1. It's well past time to run an ad like this. Too bad the Midwest and South would throw a fit over it.

  2. I feel so many people posted it this weekend that it has hit America! Keep it going!

  3. I'll agree that in a lot of ways, this ad *is* hitting America with the way it is spreading across the internet. It's one of the great things about social networking. But yes, I think it's high time the States get over themselves and broadcast something like this on television.

  4. A great ad indeed. While I myself am not that keen on marriage why shouldn't we have the same rights as straight couples.

  5. It is interesting that they don't kiss at the end, but just hug. Would that be too much for the intended audience to take? Otherwise, it made me teary, but it doesn't take much romance to get to me.
