Saturday, November 26, 2011

Interesting Quote: Sherman Frederick

In what I think almost all Americans would call "odd," President Barack Obama delivered his weekly address with a speech entitled: “On Thanksgiving, Grateful for the Men and Women Who Defend Our Country.” In the text of his speech, he referred to Thanksgiving as a "celebration of community."
Holy cow! Is that one screwed up view or what? Somebody ought to remind Obama (and his speechwriter) that when Americans sit down around a meal today and give thanks, they give thanks to God.
 Sherman and other crazy ass Christians are mad President Obama didn't say 'God' in his Turkey day speech.


  1. "Defending Our Country" from what? I'll really, really be thankful for all our troops when they all come fucking home!

  2. Not every one believe in GOD so as not to offend any one he did what he did. FUCK OFF you nut jobs! OBAMA 2012!!!!!
