Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Interesting Quote: Obama's Advisor David Plouffe

“You know he was supportive of a cap-and-trade agreement, now he doesn’t think that, you know, climate change is real,” Mr. Plouffe said. “He was to the left of Ted Kennedy on gay rights issues and now he wants to amend the constitution to prohibit gay marriage. He was an extremely pro-choice governor; now he believes life begins at conception and would ban Roe v. Wade.

“So you look at issue after issue after issue, he’s moved all over the place and I can tell you one thing: working a few steps down from the president, what you need in that office is conviction, you need to have a true compass, and you’ve got to be willing to make tough calls. And you get the sense with Mitt Romney that, you know, if he thought it was good for him to say the sky was green and the grass was blue to win an election he’d say it.”
David on Mittens' Flip Flopping on everything

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