Saturday, November 19, 2011

Diva Moment - The Kid (Rahsaan Patterson)

Before 'Glee', there was 'Kids Incorporated'. It was the one of best shows on TV. I live for this show, and dreamed that I would be up there singing my heart out with Martika and my faux brother, The Kid or Rahsaan Patterson.

I was so jealous of him, because he was doing what I wanted to do and doing it well. I remember my uncle saying that Rahsaan had a little sugar in his tank. But I didn't care, I still admired him. To me, he was living the life. Hell, he was Kids Incorporated! Check out some of his best moments...

He's is still preforming and he's out and proud.


  1. Never heard of him, I thought it was you at first.

  2. @Lucifer-Never heard of Rahsaan patterson!!!! An amaxing vocalist. He sounds very different now as an adult than he did when he was younger. He's one of my faves. He wrote Brandy's "Baby, Baby" (don't you know that you're so Fiiinnnnneee!!!) As well as some stuff for Tevin Campbell whom he also dated for a while. Look Rahsaan up on Youtube. He is amazing.

    Check out his rendition of Human Nature here:

  3. Wow, I thought I was the only one loving that show back in the day. Also a huge fan of Rahsaan as an solo artist. Wilson, you are so right when you say he is an amazing vocalist. I saw him in concert last month and he blew me away.

  4. I remember watching Kids Inc. on Disney Channel growing up. Loved that show.

  5. Let's not forget that we got little Fergie from Black Eyed Peas running around in their too!
