Friday, November 4, 2011

Daniel Avila Resigns after Writing an Article Claiming Satan caused Homosexuality

This is too much! Days ago, dumbass Daniel Avila wrote a colorful article about how Satan caused gayness. Actually, he said “the scientific evidence of how same-sex attraction most likely may be created provides a credible basis for a spiritual explanation that indicts the devil.’’

Well, that article was pulled and today, the fool resigned:
A spokeswoman for the Roman Catholic bishops said Friday that Daniel Avila offered to step down and his resignation was accepted Friday.

Avila's column appeared a week ago in The Pilot, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston. Avila had written that there's evidence suggesting the devil is responsible for same-sex attraction. Gay rights groups and others condemned the column.

The newspaper withdrew the article from its website Wednesday. Avila apologized for any pain the column caused. He said his views did not represent the position of the bishops' conference.
He apologized, please! That bastard can keep his stank ass apology.



  1. it's amazing how these wallowing in white privilege conservafools thing that they can repeatedly say racist, sexist, or homophobic ish and when they get called on it think and 'I'm sorry' will suffice to wipe the slate clean.

    Um no.

  2. And let us not forget his words still echo through the interwebs.

    He can apologize, resign, etc. but those words are still out there.

  3. No man can tame the tongue.

  4. "No man can tame the tongue"???


    Gimme a sharp knife and five minutes with the c*nt - I'll show you how to tame a tongue.
