Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chick-fil-A gave close to $2 Million to Hate Groups

A new report revealed that Chick-fil-A gave close to 2 million dollars to hate groups in 2009

Think Progress states:
According to their 2009 tax returns, the company gave almost twice that, nearly $2 million, in 2009 alone. Among the largest recipients was the Marriage and Family Legacy Fund, which Chick-fil-A’s senior vice president, Donald “Bubba” Cathy, helped to launch. Other recipients included Focus on the Family, Exodus International’s ex-gay ministries, and the Family Research Council.
Equality Matters has the numbers:

WinShape Is Chick-Fil-A's Charitable Arm. The WinShape Foundation is Chick-fil-A's charitable arm, created by Chick-fil-A founder and chairman S. Truett Cathy in 1984. WinShape has received a substantial amount of funding from Chick-fil-A: in 2009 alone, WinShape received $7,814,788 from Chick-fil-A Inc. [Winshape 2009 Publicly Available IRS 990 Form via Foundation Center, accessed 10/28/11] 

WinShape Gave Over $1.7 Million To Anti-Gay Groups. In 2009 alone, WinShape donated $1,733,699 to multiple anti-gay groups:

  • Marriage & Family Legacy Fund: $994,199
  • Fellowship Of Christian Athletes: $480,000
  • National Christian Foundation: $240,000
  • Focus On The Family: $12,500
  • Eagle Forum: $5,000
  • Exodus International: $1,000
  • Family Research Council: $1,000
Now, grated this was in 2009, before the first round of stories broke out. It will be interesting to see if they continued to support these hate groups in 2010.


  1. Every time I point this out to my friends-- gays, liberals included-- the response I always get is, "yeah, but their waffle fries are soooooo good".
    A new Chic-fil-a Church is opening up just down the street, and just like the others, it will be so busy that the drive through line will snake around the building and out into the road to cause traffic problems.
    Chick-fil-A gives you waffles fries with the Blood of Christ on the side instead of ketchup. Folks are not going to stop going there, especially not here in good old Tennessee, where Chick Church will get more business because they are defending the sanctity of Kim Kardashian's 72-day marriage.

  2. Never given them a dollar, but then again I don't think I've eaten at a fast food chain since the first Bush Presidency so my dollars aren't exactly missed.

  3. Don't eat there either since there aren't many of them here in NJ.

  4. I used to eat there all the time, but when this came to light i stopped and have not been back since.
