Monday, October 17, 2011

You know what? It's time to Reboot and Remake Hollywood!

This weekend co-signed on the reality everybody knows... REMAKES DON'T TURN A PROFIT! If you take a look at the last 5 years most the remakes don't amount to much. Yeah, 'Clash of the Titans' did well, but it got by through the 'curiosity factor'. And once folks saw the mess, they hated it.

I don't know if the Execs are just foolish or lazy; but this remake-prequel-poor plot plan ain't working. Hollywood movies are not turning out huge profits like the 80s and 90s. In fact, there only handfuls of movies that are making real money. Why is that? Because folks are tired of this foolishness!

If anything needs to rebooted or remade, it's Hollywood. They need to get these folks outta there! These are examples of what could help:
  • We need moguls and execs to move beyond this horrid phase and start making great movies again.
  • Stop remaking films, just re-release them. Think of the money and time saved!
  • Don't make any of these fresh faced movie makers more than what they are. They need at lease a Golden Globe nomination, not a MTV Movie award.
  • Get better writers with a lot of life experiences. The experiences some these writers have are blacking out at a frat parties and bisexual flings. Find better writers, Hollywood!
  • Read scripts and stop passing them to college interns to read. That's why we get the mess that we do.
  • Let writers write!
  • Be open to new ideas. We are tired of the books-comics-board games styled flicks. Let's try something else.
We deserve better and it's time we get better. Hopefully, I can be a part of this change someday.


  1. The reboot of Star Trek did very well, but I think that was in large part due to the great writing and fantastic casting.

    The remake of The Thing looks interesting, but the original was so well done, how can this remake be any better? Greg and I decided to pass.

    I can understand the studio execs not wanting to risk $50 or $100 million on an original story that may flop. The exec who green-lights it will be tossed out of Hollywood on his ear, and no one wants to risk that. There must be a way to make a good movie inexpensively and be able to make a healthy profit on it. When will Hollywood get the formula right?

  2. Good call. This is why I'm hesitant to spend $10 or more to watch a movie at the theatre. In most cases I might as well drop that money in the toilet or leave it on the ground for someone else to pick up.

  3. Great post Wonderman!

    Part of my job entails interacting with Hollywood writers. I was shocked that so many are so young and just out of college and arrogant to boot.

    We need writers with better life experiences, you are right about that. There are so many wonderful real-life stories and great books out there to be plundered.

    And I am just as frustrated with TV. When I was a kid all you saw were Westerns. Now we are in the grip of hospital shows (Grey's Anatomy, Nurse Jackie and the cancelled Hawthorne), cop shows (CSI Vegas, CSI Miami, etc. etc.)and reality shows.

    Why do TV stations keep making these type of shows? Because they are cheap to make and they are tried and true formulas.

    The same applies to movies, just like you said. If they can still make a little money shoveling the same shit why switch to a new formula?

  4. You know what would be a really cool idea for Hollywood?
    A NEW idea.
