Sunday, October 23, 2011

WATCH: This Poor Man is afraid of Puppies

This is not funny, I actually felt sorry for him.

This cute bad boy is afraid of baby pitt bulls


  1. Hmm. I must have a jaded soul these days because it didn't move me. I just thought, "Really?"

    Maybe if I had seen the whole episode.

  2. I wonder what makes people afraid of domestic animals.

    I love em' even through I'm allergic to dogs.

    And I have friends who are afraid of cats. That one is a little easier to understand as cats have all the same capabilities as their larger cousins, except on a smaller scale.

    Dogs though, they're not that far descended from the wolf. And they're natural mimics/empaths.

  3. That puppy is the cutest thing EVER. But speaking of fears, I can hang off a 2,000 feet cliff just to get a great photo, but I can't climb up a ten foot ladder to save my life.
