Sunday, October 9, 2011

US Presbyterian Church Ordains First Gay Minister

Scott Anderson has been ordained as the first gay minister in our country after a 20 year absence.

In a quavering voice ripe with emotion, 56-year-old Scott Anderson told the hundreds of friends and backers who packed Covenant Presbyterian Church in Madison for his ordination ceremony that he never thought the day would come.

"To the thousands of Presbyterians who have worked and prayed for almost 40 years for this day, I give thanks," Anderson said. "And I give thanks for those who disagree with what we're doing today yet who know that we are one in Jesus Christ."
When he was presented to the crowd, audience members gave him a thunderous standing ovation and began roaring with cheers.
"That was very atypical of Presbyterians," Doug Poland, an elder at Covenant Presbyterian Church, told the Wisconsin State Journal. "Usually our hands are in our laps."
This is good news



  1. It's most unfortunate that this has happened ;all it has accomplished is splitting up our congregation. Our small church may close; if Anderson had really cared he would have never pushed of ordination. He's only grandstanding.

  2. OK, let's be accurate here ... the Presbyterians ordained their first openly gay minister ... there have been gay Presby ministers (and other denomination gay ministers) for centuries ... actually, there have been a lot of openly gay ones, so, in pursuit of complete accuracy, the Presbyterian Church has openly acknowledged ordaining an openly gay minister which it had actually (in a "don't ask, don't tell" kinda way) been doing for a long, long time!
