Friday, October 7, 2011

She-Mess Bachmann Promises to Reinstate DADT

To please the nuts, bigots and crazies, Bachmann told the freaks at the Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom coalition that she will reinstate DADT.
“I think of all of the candidates that are running in this race, I have been very vocal about this,” Bachmann said. “I would reinstate the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. It worked before and what it says is the issue of sexuality is one that doesn’t come up and people aren’t allowed to be open about it because the United States military is unique, its not a social experiment.”

She said repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is gong to hurt the military’s preparedness: “I take very seriously the job of Commander in Chief. I see that as my very first job and I would listen to the generals [on DADT].”

Bachman told the activists not to settle for a moderate candidate when choosing their candidate for 2012, and that she is the most socially conservative.

“I believe that this is a powerful election, and I firmly believe that this is the election of all elections and that’s why my message has been don’t settle,” she said. “Every four years the pro-life conservative Christians, we are told about this time time the race and just get patted on the head and told that we have got to elect the moderate in the race.”
This is why she will never be President.



  1. Like she'll ever be elected.
    And, if the people of Minnesota have any balls, they'll make sure she's never re-elected.

  2. It's obvious her words have fallen on deaf ears.
