Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rick Santorum believes Gay Marriage Is Like Slavery

Rick Santorum has clearly proved he's not Presidential material. Just recently, he compared himself to Lincoln and marriage equality is like slavery:
“I have been a long-time advocate for states’ rights. However, I believe as Abraham Lincoln did — that states don’t have the rights to legalize moral wrongs,” said Santorum yesterday

The comment came in response to rival Herman Cain’s assertion earlier in the day that states should be allowed to decide gay marriage on an individual basis.

“I wouldn’t seek a constitutional ban for same-sex marriage, but I am pro traditional marriage,” Cain told ‘Meet the Press’ host David Gregory. States “[will] make up their own minds” under his hypothetical presidency. It’s surprising that Cain, a man who so often toes the extreme right wing line, as he does when it comes to Islam, would take a relatively moderate stance on marriage. The Republican Party’s base, particularly religious social conservatives, want to see a ban on gay marriage from coast-to-coast. But Cain’s position is less shocking that Santorum’s misguided comparison between himself and Lincoln.
Somebody slap him twice like Joan Crawford did to Christina.

1 comment:

  1. I caught a link to your blog via a Google Alert for "Fred Karger," but the post about "Someone hear Fred Karger's cry" isn't here. Wish it were! I agree w/ you whole-heartedly.

    I am in the midst of preparing an article on him for the Nov. issue of "10,000 Couples," an e-mag focused on marriage equality and LGBT issues. Check out the Oct. issue at http://10thousandcouples.com. I got to interview Fred Karger by phone a couple weeks ago in preparation for the article. He is SO authentic!! Have you seen his book "Fred WHO?" Check it out. And keep on passing the word about him!
