Friday, October 7, 2011

Rep. Louie Gohmert thinks the Jobs Bill is for the Gays

Rep. Louie Gohmert lost his mind of the House floor this week. This fool said the jobs bill is President Obama's plan to destroy marriage.
"This president, by virtue of the power to tax, the power to destroy, takes a shot at traditional conventional marriage," Gohmert claims.

Gohmert alleges that tax credits under the president's plan would favor couples who live together but aren't married.

"This may be something nice he's throwing out for gay folks that are living together so he can tell them actually you are better off not getting married because there is a marriage penalty here," Gohmert claimed.

He then goes off on a tangent in which he claims the founding fathers had expressed an opinion on same-sex marriage.

"Of course, the founders they all understood marriage to be between a man and a woman, that's just the way the history of the country has been," he said.
See his mess here
