Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Real Gays of Life vs The A-List/Logo UPDATE

The A-List drama is getting big. Yesterday, Change.Org launched a petition to get Logo TV to not show the Ann Coulter/A-List episode.

Then the A-List cast member, Taylor, tweeted this:

Taylor is talking about this
 Now, I'm not sure if this is real, but it is sending a strong message. Perhaps Logo TV needs to pay attention and get with the frakking program.

It may be a hoax. HuffPo reports:
UPDATE and note from the editor (7:32pm ET): Garrett has since deleted his claim from his Twitter feed. HuffPost Gay Voices never intended to endorse Garrett's claim, but rather draw attention to the larger issues surrounding the incident. Publicity stunt or not, we also wanted to allow readers to weigh in on what supposedly took place as well as Ann Coulter's upcoming appearance on "The A-List: Dallas" and involvement with the queer "community" in general.

Correction: A previous version of this article stated Coulter wanted to "repeal" DADT, however, she in fact wants to see it reinstated.


  1. Maybe the LGBT community, rather than signing petitions to ask Logo not to air the show, should just not watch the show.
    i won't be.

  2. I'm convinced the people who run Logo TV are more concerned with creating controversy rather than creating a positive image of the LGBTQ community. It's been a couple of months since I've watched that channel and I may not tune in when RuPaul's Drag Race comes back.

  3. I am still laughing at the rock with a message on it. How chicken shit.

  4. Update on this: Garrett has deleted the tweet & Huffington Post has removed the story until more details are uncovered.

  5. Any physicists or geologists in the house? I'd like to get the whole A-List cast into one place where a hole would open up in the earth and then swallow them whole.

    I happened to catch the episode where Reichen the whore is breaking up with a guy and he states they're just both too perfect. Riiight! Perfectly awful is more like it.

  6. Beside the fact that this Bitch appears on the show, it doesn't change the fact that the show sucks.
