Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Poll: 59% of African-Americans oppose Redefining Marriage in Maryland

This is not cute. In the Gonzales poll, the Black community highly opposed gay marriage.

Here are the poll results:

Same-Sex Marriage
Among Maryland voters today, 48% would favor (38% “strongly” favor and 10% “somewhat” favor) a law in Maryland allowing same-sex couples to marry, “giving them the same legal rights as heterosexual married couples in areas such as tax exemptions, inheritance and pension coverage,” while 49% would oppose (39% “strongly” oppose and 10% “somewhat” oppose) such a law, and 3% offered no opinion.
The results by party and race:
                                               FAVOR   OPPOSE
Democrats                                  64%      32%
Republicans                               20%      79%
Independents                              47%      51%
White                                         51%      46%
African-American                     41%       59%
I am glad to see 41% in favor of gay marriage. But more work needs to be done to change my community from opposing marriage equality.

To see the poll results, go here

a wink to Mad Professah /Ron Buckmire for the info.


  1. 41% is a big number. That is progress!

  2. When it comes to black people they are so mixed in their DNA and I just hate when I see some of them trying to deny others what they fought for. This is so asinine.
