Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Gay Sex Survey reveals a lot

A recent survey was designed to look at the sexual behaviors in gay and bisexual men. This survey was held by George Mason University, Indiana University, and Online Buddies, Inc. They polled 24,787 gay and bisexual men between the ages of 18 and 87 (87? wow).

The results were quite interesting, but I was bothered that 84.6% of the participants were white. This doesn't give us an in dept look in our community; it should've been more diverse.

Anyway, here are the findings:
49.1% of respondents said they had had their last "sexual event" in their home and 28.6% had sex in their partner's home. 7.2% had sex in a hotel or motel, 3.7% in a public space, and 1.6% in a vehicle.
Younger participants were more likely to have had sex in a vehicle and those over 40 and/or bisexual were more likely to have had sex in a hotel.

18% said they had sex with a boyfriend/partner, 19% with a casual/dating partner, and 17.3% with a friend.

Gay and bisexual men over the age of 60 reported the highest rates of arousal (80.8% and 84% respectively), while men 18 to 24 were most likely to report "little or no pleasure during the event" (11.9%).

The most common "sexual behavior" reported during the most recent "sexual event" was giving oral sex (75%), followed by kissing on the mouth (74.8%) and receiving oral sex (73.4%).

35.5% and 33.8% of participants engaged in receptive or insertive anal intercourse respectively. Receptive anal sex was most common among 18-24 year olds and insertive was most popular among 30-39 year olds.

5.9% of men reported "penile" pain when engaged in insertive anal sex (and of those who reported pain 82.3% said they only felt a "little") while 85.8% of those who had receptive anal sex said they felt little or no pain. Researchers also noted "The proportion of men reporting anal/rectal pain was less common among older age cohorts and pain was significantly more likely among men who self-identified as bisexual."

32.9% of participants used a condom during their last "sexual event" and 45.5% who said they had anal sex reported using a condom.

83.5% of respondents said they experienced an orgasm with those over 60 reporting the lowest percentages for achieving orgasm (72.9%). The study showed that men were "significantly more likely to report orgasm if their sexual partner was a relationship partner."



  1. ... 84.6% of the participants were white. This doesn't give us an in dept look in our community; it should've been more diverse.

    I know my participants have more diversity.

    ... 35.5% and 33.8% of participants engaged in receptive or insertive anal intercourse respectively.

    This calls all the other statistics into question. ;-)

    ... men 18 to 24 were most likely to report "little or no pleasure during the event" (11.9%).

    I blame the Internet for this.

  2. 20-somethings may not be great in bed, but they are still fun to play with. ;-O

  3. 87???? Blame it on

  4. I saw the 84.4 % too. Bothers me tremendously. Not like it is difficult to find different kinds of GLBTQ.
