Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Coming Out Story

I came out in 1996 to my best friend. It took me about 2 weeks to complete my quest, I really has to process the risks and rewards. But one night at Wal-Mart, I finally did it. I came out in the hair products aisle, looking for dye for streaking my bob. I actually remember feeling the weight move away from me as I said: "I'm really gay."

Two days later, my friends and I were watching Dawson's Creek in my dorm room. My mama called just to chat about her day. While we were talking, she just blurted out that if I liked boys that's fine. She knew I was gay and she thought it would easier for me if she 'helped' me come out. In fact, she made it a lot easier for me to tell everyone I knew.

Since then, life has been pretty good. Because I came out, I was able to live my life to the fullest. I hope many others come out and experience the freedom of being alive and being real.


  1. It really is all about freedom.

  2. I hope you realize how lucky you have it to have an accepting parent. HUGS

  3. Beautiful story. You have a great Mom. Keep going with your great blog. I often get news what's going on in the gay community first through you.

  4. It's true about feeling like a weight has been lifted off. You feel so much lighter afterwards. Wonderful

  5. I really believe most of our Moms know about our sexuality maybe even before we figure it out.
    Bless your Mothers heart! You really are lucky to have such a Mom.

  6. Your mom sounds awesome - wish more people can be that open! I'm getting there though!

  7. I didn't have to say a thing.
