Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Moose Mess (Sarah Palin) is NOT running for President in 2012

Girl, I already knew. So did most of the country.

This is what she had to say:
"After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for president of the United States," said Palin in a statement on her decision." As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order."
There was no way she could win! That is the Truth's truth. She has no money, no support and staff. Plus, she can make more money lying and doing reality shows. Face it, Sarah fooled the GOP all the way to the bank.



  1. "Sarah fooled the GOP all the way to the bank." Very well put.

  2. She is a flash in the pan, that occurred as a fluke, and has had its 15 minutes.

    She better spend her remaining coins wisely because the well has run dried.

    She's very much like this comment, filled with cliches.

  3. She did fool the GOP all the way to the bank. I hope the Tea Baggers now realize they were being used all along.

  4. File this under: Typical Mama Grizzly Bore behavior.
    Effin' media whore.
