Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Logo TV sticks with the Bogus "Liberal Attack" on the A-List Dallas' Taylor

Oh, Logo... On their blog, they support Taylor's claims that he was attack by a liberal gay:

The language on the message wrapped around the rock reads: “Who the f**k do you think you are? You are not A-List. More like Z-List. You are nothing but a nelly twink trying to get attention by calling yourself a republican. You are nothing but an embarrassment to the gay community. Watch your f**king back you pathetic mother f**king twink.”

Okaaaayyyyy… Is this high school? Was slashing Taylor’s tires not an option? This is some freaky TV-movie kind-of insanity. And is it gay-on-gay-crime? From the tone of the message on the rock, it sounds like it.

But… Really? Lobbing rocks through someone’s window? Speaking only for myself (and not as some official Logo spokesperson by any means), you might disagree with Taylor’s politics or his choice of lunch dates, but if you need to react, how about directing your discontent by speaking out constructively, like the folks at Change.org?

In the meantime… All the more reason to tune in to tonight’s big “A-List: Dallas” premiere on Logo to meet Taylor and the rest of the cast, and to see what the fuss is all about.
See? They love this mess. And they used this stunt to folks to watch their freaking show. Can we officially start breaking ties with Logo?


  1. It is available but I rarely watch it. Their programming has reached so far into the gutter it isn't funny.

  2. As I've been saying, the best way to show Logo you don't like this crap, is to not watch Logo.

  3. I tried to watch A-list Dallas last night. I think I lasted about ten minutes of it before I just couldn't tolerate it any longer. Other than watching it as a complete joke (a sad one I might add) who is this show supposed to appeal too?

  4. I'm with Bob. I haven't watched Logo in months and I have no desire to go back regardless how many times they show Bump! with Charlie David.

  5. I stopped watching Logo years ago. When there is some good programming, I will watch. Looks like that will never happen.

  6. Logo is just another "one-show" cable network with RuPaul's Drag Race being their bellcow. Viacom/MTV networks might as well merge Logo with VH1. Besides, Logo blocks Google TV boxes from watching their streaming content...pppppfff.

  7. Easy to fix. Don't watch LOGO or other exploitative GLBTQ entertainment(crap) and don't support GLBTQ conservatives. Neither helps our people or invests in our future. Neither builds ties with other communities we need to help and need help from.

  8. How will they know you aren't watching unless you let them know? I've wondered this about shows and/or networks I don't like. I do email them and let them know the good, the bad, and the rest. :-)
