Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Interesting Quotes: Hank Williams Jr

“I have always been very passionate about Politics and Sports and this time it got the Best or Worst of me. The thought of the Leaders of both Parties Jukin and High Fiven on a Golf course, while so many Families are Struggling to get by simply made me Boil over and make a Dumb statement and I am very Sorry if it Offended anyone. I would like to Thank all my supporters. This was Not written by some Publicist.”
Hank apologizes after getting kicked to the curb


  1. "...Sorry if it Offended anyone."

    If?? He can take this non-apology and shove it up his ass.

  2. Bocephus campaigned pretty hard for Sarah Palin when Moose Mess was running for Vice President and even then said some questionable things. I think he's sorry because he went over the line and that's it.

  3. I believe in freedom of speech but it come with consequence. Calling the commander and chief Hitler is stupid. Hitler is dead.

  4. If you dont like hank williams jr you can kiss my ass. Obama is ignorant and will never be as good as the most horrible white leader

  5. Thanks for making my point, civil rights are for Blacks and not whites. Your comments said it all.
