Thursday, October 20, 2011

BackFlash Video Thursday - Chic

This song is so cheesy, but cute and classy. I feel like wearing linen in the wind when I hear it. Here's Chic with I Want Your Love


  1. Love disco music! Thanks for posting! :)

  2. not cheesy at all. I LOVE CHIC. I have all their music, and still play it.

  3. Love it! Once again we are in sink. I posted something on my blog I had in my head for awhile that you may find interesting. It's all about Niles Rodgers.

  4. That's not cheesy. It's a great song -- I loved it from the minute I bought the album as a tween back in 1978.

    It has a great string session and represents and age when African Americans were becoming upwardly mobile and wanted music at reflected their aspirations but still has a strong R&B beat.

    Rest in peace Bernard! That dude was a monster on bass.
