Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why are they still Trying to make Friday the 13th part 2?

They won't let this idea die!! Word on the street is we may see a "Found Footage" version a F13 sequel. Here's the mess:

Last we heard, a sequel penned by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift had not yet been given the green light. Needless to say, I was surprised to hear that a follow-up was possibly being re-tooled to match the "found footage" fad that horror has been latching onto, especially after Apollo 18's dismal box office performance. (Time will soon tell if audiences will respond to Paranormal Activity 3 and if the "found footage" sub-genre has legs.)

Brad Fuller at Platinum Dunes assured us today, however, that there is still no movement on any sort on sequel to Dunes' 2009 production. He would not confirm or deny the company was fielding ideas from other writers. "There's no other place I'd rather be than Crystal Lake right now," he told us.

One has to remember that, beyond Platinum Dunes, a few entities need to agree to another Friday the 13th, including Paramount, New Line and Sean Cunningham. Until they align and the studios give a green light, don't expect a sequel.

Most good-minded Horror fans don't want this. Please let this die in peace.



  1. I really enjoyed the remake (I know I know) and love the franchise despite it's tired nature. I'm no fan of this found footage sub genere any more than I am of torture porn but we need a new F13 STAT. We also need a new Halloween!

  2. Love the F13 franchise. Liked the remake just fine. Not a fan of this "found footage" sub genere any more than I like torture porn. F13 is a slasher franchise it needs to remain as one. Bring on Halloween 3d!

  3. Encouraging death of sequels or remakes in the horror genre is like battling the undead. You never win.

  4. I use to tell folks I was Jason's boyfriend and they all thought I was CRAZY.
