Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sean Maher (Simon Tam to us Geeks) is Gay

I just learned this info from the provocative and wonderful blog, I Should Be Laughing; the former 'Firefly' actor Sean Maher is gay.

EW news has the story:
For the first time, Maher opens up about his sexuality in an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly. “I was nervous coming here today because I’ve just never talked about it,” Maher says, while sitting down to chat at Little Dom’s Italian bistro in Los Angeles’ trendy Los Feliz neighborhood, the area where the actor lives with Paul, his partner of nearly nine years, and their two children, Sophia Rose, 4, and Liam Xavier, 14 months. “But, it’s so liberating. It was interesting to be coming to have a conversation that I was always afraid to have.” Despite his trepidation, he adds with a big smile: “This is my coming out ball. I’ve been dying to do this.”

“I’ve never discussed it publicly,” the 36-year-old continues. “I’ve never been asked about it publicly, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t paint a different picture.” Maher says that not coming out wasn’t so much a choice as much as it was a reality of the business when he first came to L.A. fresh out of college back in 1997.
This is cute. Sean is currently in 'The Playboy Club' as a closeted gay man.


  1. The first time I became aware of him (Firefly, Serenity) I thought he was gay. I looked him up online and there was no mention so I thought "Huh...my gaydar is broken."

  2. I'm happy he can finally be himself. There is nothing like that feeling.
