Friday, September 23, 2011

Question of the Day: Gay Sex Edition

I had a convo about this subject at work. I learned that many boys in West Hollywood are kept and the older rich gays have no problem flaunting them around... Until they robbed them blind or claimed they were kidnapped if daddy doesn't get them a BMW.

So my question is... Who's the Worst one in the "Relationship"? The Sugar Daddy, the Sugar Baby, both or none?


  1. Both - they BOTH know what the situation is - they both know what keeps the situation in check - im not saying its a bad thing - but its a thing of TWO - not one.

  2. I think they are both to blame, but I guess I would expect more from a seasoned adult than I would from a 20 something year old. We all did stupid things when we were young, the older guys have no excuse, aside from immaturity.

  3. Both but I'd lean more toward the older. They both know what they're getting into but the older ones have more to lose financially.

  4. They both get what they deserve in the end. No pun intended.

  5. Honestly I blame the daddy. From experience I can tell you that once you start "taking care of" a young guy he takes you for granted and doesn't learn self-reliance and responsibility.

  6. In these hard time it doesn't surprises me. I saw the young guy's before and after pictures. He had a lot of work done on himself. Teeth, Hips, eyes and more.

  7. In the long run being kept doesn't pay.

    I have a buddy, a handsome black guy who was kept by a rich, white patron in Miami in the 1980s.

    Didn't have to work. Trips to Europe. Swank clubs. Fine restaurants.

    But guess what. Homeboy got in his 30s and rich guy broke it off and got a younger model. And my buddy is in his 40s still without a college degree, unemployed and back home with Ma.

    Here in D.C. there is this black bottom with a dick a foot long. Fine as hell. He got kept by an older black guy awhile. This guy comes home to find his kept boy getting his ass banged out in bed by some other dude and kicked him. out. So this young guy goes from middle aged dude to middle aged dude, trying to find his next sugar Daddy. But his story is out so many are wise.

    The lesson is. Stand on your own to feet so you can grow and develop as your own person. At the least if a guy wants to care for you get an education and job skills so you don't end up bussing tables at McDonalds when you are 50.

  8. Both, but these days young people (like myself) should know better. You need to get your own and be able to take care of yourself whether it works out or not. Only the foolish allows themselves to be taken care of without a back-up plan.

  9. I think in a way we're all being kept by someone else. We're all looking for something else when we enter into a relationship with someone; be it money, stability, etc. We as a society just tend to say that certain things are acceptable and others aren't. That is the definition of a society though.
