Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Poll: Young Evangelicals are Divided on Gay Marriage

The young folks are alright... Maybe. A new poll shows that young evangelicals are more open to gay marriage:
The poll, released in late August by the Washington-based Public Religion Research Institute, found that nearly half (44 percent) of young evangelicals between the ages of 18 to 29 favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry.

By contrast, the white evangelical community as a whole (even counting those relatively liberal young adults) is solidly opposed to same-sex marriage, by slightly more than 80 percent.

More broadly, the poll found “at least a 20-point generation gap between millennials (age 18-29) and seniors (65 and over) on every public policy measure in the survey concerning rights for gay and lesbian people.”

The poll also found that a slight majority of all Catholics (52 percent) favor same-sex marriage, despite the energetic teaching of their church to the contrary.
Interesting, right?


  1. It runs across all lines. There have been many surveys in Rhode Island and one fact that is astounding is that those age 40 and below are well over 60% in support of marriage equality.

    But if you narrow the range to only those that are between 18 and 29 years of age, the percentage shoots up to 82%.

    I won't even mention those age 60 and older, for some reason they seem to be the ones that don't support equality.

  2. You some one told me what I was . I never knew I was gay.......lucifer
