Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Log Cabin Republicans' President will support Anti-Gay GOP Candidates

Just when I think people couldn't be anymore stupid, Rob Schlein gives me something new. The LCR President writes this foolish piece that clearly defines his self-hatred

Here is an example:
For those who are upset at Rick Perry’s decision to sign the National Organization of Marriage’s pledge to move forward on an amendment to the Constitution, I say I’m willing to pay that price — a danger, in my view, that is as exaggerated as the reported threat of Hurricane Irene — in exchange for fiscal conservatism that is more likely to win the day and return us to prosperity.
After all, the process for amending the Constitution of the United States is so burdensome and so difficult, it seems to me the pledge to NOM is as empty as most men’s promises to stay monogamous until “death do us part.”

That said, I don’t believe that Rick Perry is our party’s best hope to beat Obama.

In the swing states that really matter — Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania — Mitt Romney, who has never been a great friend of Log Cabin’s, polls better. He’s one of them, and his dad was a very, very popular Michigan governor.

And if Jon Huntsman can organize some support he would be a brilliant choice, too.
But, we don’t get to decide in isolation who our nominee will be. By the time the candidates reach Texas, we will likely have our winner.

And, if that winner is Rick Perry, he can count on my vote and my vocal support.
Rob, please realize how frakked up this is. These people would make us suffer and you would still vote for them?

Are you that daft and self-hating?



  1. This guys is pathetic.

  2. What an utter moron. Here's what one of our writers had to say about this abomination:
