Thursday, September 29, 2011

HOT RUMOR: Idris Elba, the Next James Bond?

My Lord! I just read this piece on my other boo, Idris, and how rumors are spreading about him being James Bond.

Check it out:
Interestingly, even though he's hidden his accent to play Americans for many of the most high-profile roles of his career, chatter has circulated for years that Elba could one day wind up playing one of the most iconic British film roles there is: James Bond.

"It's a rumor," he says flatly. But does that mean you should dismiss it out of hand? Not necessarily. Elba says he recently talked about the role with his father and said that while it sounded like an interesting idea, he had concerns. "I just don't want to be the black James Bond," he says. "Sean Connery wasn't the Scottish James Bond, and Daniel Craig wasn't the blue-eyed James Bond, so if I played him, I don't want to be called the black James Bond."

That doesn't, of course, really answer the most interesting question: What would he do if they asked him? At first, he's noncommittal. "I"d definitely consider it," he says. But when Linda Wertheimer presses the issue — if Sony called, would he get in a cab to take the meeting? — he can't resist.
If he was given the opportunity to play Bond, I will get in line right now to see this film... Well, not now, but soon.



  1. OMG, to see him in the sexy, suits... and less.

  2. I don't know who he is but I can say Damn! I'd like to see him (nearly) naked!

  3. Very interesting. Hope it turns out to be true.

  4. I might have to become a Bond fan....and you'd be in line right behind me!

  5. I'd see it because I support him and his work (and I know that the more we see movies with black leading actors and actresses the more hollywood will see that they want to be seen and will make more), but I have an issue with our making black versions of white movies/reality shows/sitcoms. We need to be more original and come up with our own ideas, our own icons.

  6. I was hoping for Colin Salmon.

  7. @Daji-Hollywood seems to be boycotting new ideas and characters. All they seem to do is remakes or comic book adaptions!!
