Sunday, September 4, 2011

Glenn Beck Rather use the word "Colored" than "African American"

You know he has to do something to stay in game


  1. Beck is just one more in a long line of bigoted, racist pricks out there.

    And of course he's trying to fan those racist flames again. He'd fit right in with the KKK if they'd have his ass.

  2. I kinda hate hate Israel for having this puke over there. Beck almost makes since here. I never been to Africa. Lets say white guy is from African and come to America, is too called African American?

  3. @Lucifer-the problem is why so much concern about African American? No one says anything about Irish American or Italian American? I don't hear Beck telling them to simply conform, drop their heritage or cultural identifier and call themselves "American". (Which in all honesty they do, as do we, which is why we are African "AMERICAN" and not simply African.) And those cultures of people most certainly use and embrace those terms and classifications quite brashly and proudly. African American is simply an attempt to assign heritage to a racial/culture group of people. In truth it's not as accurate as it should be. Since many blacks in this country are not necessarily immediately descended from Africa.

    In this country African American is a term used to describe those of us who are descended from slaves brought to the U.S. An African that has come here more recently of their free will probably wouldn't identify with that term. Be they white or black. (And yes a white person coming over from Africa could coin themselves African American, but in truth they are probably of European descent making them Euro-African.)

    To use the simple term Black removes all ethnic and cultural history from Blacks the same way simply calling whites, white does to them. Whites are Greek, Italian, Roman, English, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, German, etc. Blacks are African, Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Asian(yes),Indian Spanish, etc. There's a lot of history and heritage in those cultures and backgrounds. Why should anyone lose those things to satiate Beck's conformist standards.

    As far as how other countries identify their people of color and Becks lament that they don't do what WE do. It has everything to do with the history of our country that he so casually dismisses as a thing of the past. In many countries black face is still accepted and used as a form of entertainment. In other countries they still draw blacks as pitch black, bug eyed, large pink lipped monkeys that they use in their advertisements and media.

    A lot of the problems in regards to race can be seen in the arguments Beck offers as solutions. Arguing conformity is in essence disrespecting and denigrating others culture. Basically saying, "You should drop yours and conform to mine." We don't need to all merge and conform to some homogenized standard. We should embrace and teach our kids and each other more about our individual heritages and history. Too many of us are ignorant to the backgrounds of others. America is not a melting pot. We don't put everyone who comes here into a blender and hit puree until all traces of individualism are cut away. We should embrace what makes us unique and special and educate each other about those things. Not do our best to strip them away in the name of conformity.
