Friday, September 9, 2011

First Look: Part 2 of The X-Men "Regenesis" Teams


  1. I do NOT like the positioning of Havok/Polaris in X-Factor. Jamie'd better remain the leader... color me skeptic.

  2. I hope they lower the prices on the comics.

  3. @Reg-To be fair...Jamie really isn't that great a leader in my opinion. Problem for me is having Havok makes me think more fighting super powered bad guys rather than a P.I. firm. Hopefully they don't change the direction too much, and why does X-Factor have like 11 people while Rogue only has 4 on her team? And why is Psylocke on both sets of covers?

  4. This is some of the absoulte worst art I've seen in comics. Its up there with the current Bufft person, whoever did Stormwatch and Land.

    Oh, nightcrawler is back. Cool.
    They took all the characters I hate and put them on Wolvie's team. Makes it very easy to ignore this book.

    Sticking w/ legacy for Carey and Rogue and trying to keep x-factor
