Saturday, September 10, 2011

Family Research Council's Ads Target African-American Lawmakers in the Gay Marriage Debate

Rep. Earline Parmon

The FRC uses race baiting ads in their latest attempt to stop gay marriage:
The Family Research Council, a conservative political action group from Washington, DC, is running ads on local radio targeting seven African-American Democrat lawmakers as they consider whether to vote for a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage.

One of those ads is aimed at Rep. Earline Parmon, a Democrat who voted in support of the 2008 Marriage Amendment. She said on Friday she plans to vote against the current proposed amendment, a shift in position she attributes to the political climate.“Alert. Marriage is at risk in our state. Our laws defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman could be overturned. Call Earline Parmon ask them to vote yes to the marriage amendment," the ad says.

Parmon said Republicans are using the issue of gay marriage to get conservative voters to turn out for the 2012 presidential election. She said she still believes marriage should be between a man and a woman.

The Family Research Council didn't explain how it chose what lawmakers to target in the ads, but Wake Forest University political scientist John Dinan said he isn’t surprised the group has focused on black legislators. 
Hopefully, the equality groups can stop this from getting worse.


1 comment:

  1. Republiklans are just dirty motherfuckers. Now it seems laws were passed that you must show ID to vote and if you have none there will be a 28 dollar charge. I really hate the GOP.
