Friday, September 30, 2011

Big News about Jem and the Holograms at the New York Comic Con!

The voice of the iconic Jem, Samantha Newark, had a lot to say about her and what the future has in store for the 80s cartoon:
"I know that Hasbro is revealing something big that has to do with Jem at the New York Comic-Con in a couple of weeks. We are all waiting to see what they have up their sleeve. I am like everybody else. Just waiting to see what happens."

Samantha Newark is optimistic that the announcement will have to do with the physical return of Jem and the Holograms, not just the current and upcoming products that will be on display according to the official Hasbro press release in regards to NYCC 2011. But she has no idea if it is actually the long rumored movie or something else.

"No one has said anything about a live action movie yet, because no one knew what was going on with the franchise for a long time. It has been a big mystery, and it still is. I would hope that they kept some of the same writers on board, just to keep the tone of it. Who knows? I'm not sure what they have planned. I thought it would be cool if they did a really cool animated feature film, so that all of the actors could revive their roles. We're all not 85 years old, and we all still sound good. I think that would be really cool."
I would love to see Jem come back, it was way ahead of its time and had such a great message. I'm actually thinking about going to NYCC just to hear the news! Oh, and by the way... I WANT TO BE A WRITER ON THE MOVIE!



  1. I am so excited about this! They actually have Jem Con that is touring the country. I am going to one of them so help me.

  2. Whatever the news is... it's some good news.

  3. That would be truly truly truly outrageous. Sorry, I had to....
