Friday, August 5, 2011

Rev. A.W. Montgomery Sr. from the Agape Missionary Baptist Church is an Asshole

This asshole preacher caused over 100 people to leave the funeral Lashai Mclean, a transgender woman who was shot and killed in D.C. because of his hateful sermon.

Washington Blade reports:
Basically, he said that God let her get killed so that people could get saved,” said D.C. gay activist and comedian Sampson McCormack, who attended the service. “And that came after somebody, I think it was a deacon, said when you live a certain lifestyle this is the consequence you have to pay.” 

McCormack and D.C. resident Arriel Horton said they knew Mclean and were among more than 300 people attending her funeral service at Purity Baptist Church near Capitol Hill.

D.C. police said Mclean, 23, was shot near the corner of 61st and Dix Streets, N.E., in a case where investigators have yet to determine a motive and to identify a suspect. Transgender activists say they are concerned that Mclean may have been targeted due to her status as a transgender woman, even though police say they have no immediate evidence to classify the incident as a hate crime.

McCormack and Horton told the Blade that a sermon delivered by Rev. A.W. Montgomery Sr., pastor of Agape Missionary Baptist Church in Suitland, Md., who presided over the funeral service, offended many of those in attendance, including many of Mclean’s transgender friends.

The two also said friends of Mclean became angry when clergy and others speaking at the service referred to Mclean as “he.” McCormack said many in the audience responded by shouting the word “she.”
What? Then when the Blade got a hold of Montgomery, this is what he said:

“My perception of some things is strictly from the perception of the Bible. Sin is sin is sin. I don’t care who you are. There’s no perfect person on this planet. Whether you’re the pope or the poorest person, all of us sin. So my remarks would never be disparaging at all. I preached the Gospel. I don’t think I was harsh.”
It was harsh, hateful and ridiculous. Fam, I urge y'all to contact Rev. A.W. Montgomery and Agape Missionary Baptist Church. That church and A.W. need to know that the sermon was unacceptable.

Phone: (301) 420-4768

The Rev's Facebook:


  1. I get that homophobia is everywhere but can someone explain to me why the black community seems to be particularly vile about it????

    Am I missing something cultural?

    I am completely at a loss.......

  2. This guy looks like a trick.

  3. Funny .. Blacks are the most hated race on this planet and everything started with a black man. When you see black folks listening to someone talk in a way we may not like don't assume all blacks are taking it in.

  4. I joined Agape Missionary Baptist Church about a month ago because my boyfriend is a member there. I only recently accepted God into my life. I love Pastor Montgomery. You have to understand where he is coming from (though I am bisexual and I know what the bible says about homosexuality), he is just being honest. Yes, sin is sin, but just as that doesn't make one sin more acceptable, it doesn't make another sin less wrong. If living life as a liar causes you to live a miserable life, it's because you were a liar. If you live as a gambling addict and you die because of money, you brought that upon yourself. If the bible says homosexuality is wrong, and you are a homosexual, and you were killed POSSIBLY because of your lifestyle, that's on you. The bible says God judges you based on what you KNOW and THEN how you still chose to live your life. I know I sin and I try not to because it's just, not right. If I'm going to take this Christian journey I believe in doing it wholeheartedly. Yes, it may go against how I feel about many things, but I had been living for a long time without His guidance... Now that I have it, I realize that I have been living NOT according to his word. What may have come "natural" to me, or what may have made me comfortable, may not be what God as intended for our lives, and I have accepted that and I have dedicated my life to living according to his word. People half ass their religions... and it's a shame... If you truly do believe in God, and his word, then you have to live 100% true or don't believe at all. You can't follow the word when it's convenient to you. Pastor Montgomery is the ONLY positive, caring Male I have in my life.... The only one.... We text each other all day everyday, I jst went through a hard break up and he's been here to keep me grounded. What he said was a reflection of his obedience to God and his word. NOT a personal attack on Mclean. He is a genuine man.... and he dedicates his life to showing people how to live as TRUE Christians.. not convenient Christians.
