Sunday, August 28, 2011

Iowa Family Policy Center BUSTED for using Taxpayers Money for Hate

The Iowa Family Policy Center used federal grant money to fund their anti-gay marriage campaign.
The $2.2 million received by the Iowa Family Policy Center between 2006 and 2010 helped hundreds of Iowans receive education and counseling, according to the documents. But it also paid for part of the salaries of five employees, rent, telephone, Internet and other expenses while the group was fighting legalized gay marriage in Iowa.

A University of Iowa researcher who was a consultant on the grant also told AP the group declined to provide same-sex couples education and counseling with the money.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials approved the grant budget, and there's no indication the costs run afoul of federal guidelines. Still, critics said the grant was potentially troubling because it was involved in a high-profile effort to respond to the Iowa Supreme Court's 2009 ruling legalizing gay marriage at the time, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa is investigating. A public backlash led Iowa voters to oust three justices last year.

The Iowa Family Policy Center and its political and advocacy arms, all housed in the same office as its marriage program, were outspoken on the issue. The center first called for blocking the ruling from taking effect and then called on lawmakers to amend Iowa's constitution to ban same-sex marriage.
This Iowa Family Policy Center is a part of the Family Leader, the group that had the stupid Marriage pledge. I hope this is taken to court. They can't use this money this way.



  1. I think they should reimburse the goverment all of those funds they used for hate.

  2. Goody goody gum drops.
