Thursday, August 4, 2011

Interesting Quote: Pat Buchanan

"I was asked who was the big losers in these battles and the big winners, and I said one of the big losers, using boxing terminology, was 'your boy,' and I meant the president of the United States. Rev. Sharpton said my boy is the president of the United States and he's doing a rope-a-dope in the Ali fashion and he's going to finish off your crowd. Now this was taken, some folks took what I said as some kind of slur. None was meant, none was intended, none was delivered, for the record."
Pat clarifies the"Your Boy, Obama" statement.



  1. I love all these people saying racist things and then saying that wasn't their intention.
    Do they think anyone, save the racist Teabaggers, believes them?

  2. They are sick in their makeup. They are so flawed. Robert b9 says "Exterminate".
