Thursday, August 11, 2011

Idiots Think Torchwood is Too Gay

This is so silly and stupid. Folks are complaining that Torchwood is too gay or has too much gay content. Really, folks?

Pink News states:
The corporation said on its website that its editorial guidelines state all sexual content should be “editorially justified and treated with appropriate sensitivity”, as well as being realistic.

The response adds: “Captain Jack Harkness is an established character in the series. The audience over the previous series of Torchwood have known him to be promiscuous and bi-sexual [sic] so we felt the content was justified in terms of the context and characters and would be within the expectations of regular viewers. 

“We aim to depict relationships whether heterosexual or homosexual in an honest and realistic way. These scenes are not meant to cause offense.”
Folks need to get a clue. I don't hear anybody saying Entourage is too straight or have too much straight sex in it. Get the FRAK out of here!


  1. I think it should be more gay.
    And I love how it shows all kinds of relationships, you know, just like real life.

  2. Funny, I don't hear about Glee being too gay. Especially when Brittany and Santana are flirting with each other.

  3. I wonder what would happen if people started complaining that shows have too much straight content, like you mentioned. That would be interesting to see the reaction in the press.

  4. "I wonder what would happen if people started complaining that shows have too much straight content"

    I think people did. There was zero sex on pre-1960s TV and I'm pretty sure people have been complaining ever since. But in a world where a persons entire humanity is increasingly defined by where they park their genitalia, appealing to TV viewers' baser, less-intellectual instincts is an economically sound strategy.
