Monday, August 15, 2011

Glee 3D Flopped and maybe That's a Good Thing

You may hate me for saying this, but I'm glad Glee 3D flopped. I know some of you love this series, but I think it has gotten fat and greedy like heavy set Veruca Salt.

This movie was proof that it's too big for its britches. They really thought this flick would make tons of money. Although, it was very cheap to make (like 9.6 million give or take), the outcome was very telling. No one was willing to pay for something they normally get to watch for free.

It was bold of the Glee peeps to think this would push the series forward. In many ways, this may be the first few nails in the Glee coffin.

But there are other factors that could be driving 'Glee' to 'Heroes' type grave. For one, it's overexposed. Second, the writing is not that serious and the theme episodes are really reaching for it. And third, it's trying too hard to pander to us (gays). 'Glee' uses the Gay stick, like Michele Bachmann saying the word 'Iowa' 46 times in her pre-victory speech at the Iowa State Fair. Just tell the damn story and we will come. No more Gaga/Britney/Silly ass gay diva icon crap. Just tell a goddamn story.

And this movie was the icing on a hot cake. It just melted all over the whole thing. So I hope Ryan and the other Glee peeps take a hard look at this past weekend. Maybe this will get them back to basics and give us the 'Glee' we all deserve.


Bob said...

I tend to agree with you.
Movie and TV studios and execs have a tendency to run every single idea into the ground, bleeding it for every single ounce of currency imaginable.
i have no desire to see a Glee movie. i'll wait for the show.

Sidenote: i just read that they are planning a sequel to the latest Spiderman movie...the one that won't be out for almost a year.

Stan said...

I've never even watched the show.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty much too late for Ryan. I bet by now at least half of this season's episodes have already been shot. I hope the writing gets back to where it was in Season One but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I am almost an outcast with my family and my gays, because I HATE this show. I feel it tries way too hard to pander to gays and teenage girls. If I want to hear any of these songs I will listen to the artist. I had no desire to pay money to watch A 3-D karakoe performance, and Lea Michele oh Christ what a horrid little monster. I want Ryan's old show Popular back on TV.. I miss me Mary Cherry!

Allan S. said...

This movie was so not needed. The last season was underwhelming at times. Yes, they need to go back to basics, and really tell strong stories, and believe it or not, cut back on some of the overblown cheesy music numbers. I know it's a show about singing, but they went over the top this last season.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I agree with you 100%. They should all learn to stick to the things that worked in the beginning!

SteveA said...

I've never seen the show, but i was up for buying the DVD box set with all the hype on it....a movie is a bit too soon - that seems to be a bad call I think!

PS: Awesome writing!

Prince Todd said...

I hate Glee. I have always hated Glee. I will never admit this in public around gays because I don't feel like having to fight somebody.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.