Sunday, July 24, 2011

VIDEO: Dan Choi... Oh Hell, You know he's never Happy about Anything

I really don't get him. I do feel like we created a monster


  1. This frog face cocksucker is getting on my nerves. Where was he during the Bush years? He's so rude.

  2. Please tell me I didn't hear Choi try to equate himself with MLK in his l'il diatribe there??? I understand some of Dan viewpoints, but he's because a big ol' sourpuss these days.

    Dude relax a bit. No one said Obama was the savior to gays, so please stop actin' like this man is the fallen Messiah. Thanks. 'Preciate it.

  3. I generally appreciate the things I hear from the mouth of Dan Choi. So I'm willing to cut him a precarious bit of slack here. Still, if he really believes there is a viable RupubliKKKan presidential candidate *anywhere* in these Unites States of America who could truly be more beneficial to any aspect of the LGBT cause than president Obama can be, flawed and inconsistent as he (Obama) may be at times, then Dan Choi has completely lost his mind or is seriously on the verge of a mental/emotional breakdown and someone needs to do an intervention with him immediately.

  4. I wonder if Dan Choi mentions all this when he's on Grindr...

    Choi, get over yourself.

    America will thank you.
