Friday, July 8, 2011

University of South Florida gives Transgender Students New Living Options

After a transgender student was harassed by other students in a residence hall, the University of South Florida decided to offer transgender students a safer alternative to live on campus.

Here's more:

Beginning Thursday, students can identify themselves as male, female or transitioning on their housing applications. Anyone who checks transitioning can live alone, with a friend or with a randomly assigned roommate. A student's choice of transitioning won't be disclosed to any randomly selected roommate without permission.

Then, in the spring, the Tampa school will begin a pilot program with several "gender-neutral" dorm rooms for any student who wants to live with another student of a different gender. Rooming with romantic partners will be discouraged. 
I hope this helps the transgendered students. Kudos to USF for setting this up.


  1. This is great news. I hope it works out.

  2. I'm in shock! This from ass backwards, right wing, conservative, Republican, Florida? I'm so glad but shocked!

  3. Absurd! Transgenderism is not recognized by hundreds of thousands of medical doctors and psycologists. A completely invented "condition" that is only a sexual fetish. A very high percentage of those who have had sex reassignment surgery have commited suicide or wished they had not mutilated themselves. How inclredibly stupid for the university to give credence to this stupidity. A doctor told me that in 50 years these horrific surgeries will be viewed as medieval-style torture.
