Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pic of the Week: NOM's Brian Brown

This is Brian after New York won marriage equality. This is Priceless!
 Brian Brown, the President of the anti-marriage equality National Organization for Marriage, sat in the galley openly weeping with sadness when the 33 to 29 vote was announced. (The bulk of the galley erupted spontaneously in chants of "USA, USA, USA", and even some members of the press couldn't keep themselves from clapping and cheering.) 
Love it



  1. When I see people like that, I wonder what they are so afraid of. This view is from Canada where our families are doing just fine, thank you, ten years after full same-sex marriages have become legal.

    Shakespeare said, "Methinks he doth protest too loudly!"

  2. Crying because the donations have stopped or he can now go and marry the man of his dreams.
